Don’t reuse binding attributes (aka #[Qualifier])

Sometimes, of course, it makes sense to bind some highly-related bindings with the same attributes. E.g. #[ServerName]

That said, most binding attributes should only qualify one binding. And you should definitely not reuse a binding attributes for unrelated bindings.

When in doubt, don’t reuse attributes: creating one is straightfoward!

To avoid some boilerplate, sometimes it makes sense to use attribute parameters to create distinct annotation instances from a single declaration. For example:

enum Thing
    case FOO;
    case BAR;
    case BAZ;

#[Attribute, \Ray\Di\Di\Qualifier]
final class MyThing
    public function __construct(
        public readonly Thing $value
    ) {}

You can then use #[MyThing(Thing::FOO)], #[MyThing(Thing::BAR)], and #[MyThing(Thing::BAZ)] rather than defining each of them as separate attribute types.