Binding Attributes

Occasionally you’ll want multiple bindings for a same type. For example, you might want both a PayPal credit card processor and a Google Checkout processor. To enable this, bindings support an optional binding attribute. The attribute and type together uniquely identify a binding. This pair is called a key.

Defining binding attributes

Define qualifier attribute first. It needs to be annotated with Qualifier attribute.

use Ray\Di\Di\Qualifier;

#[Attribute, Qualifier]
final class PayPal

To depend on the annotated binding, apply the attribute to the injected parameter:

public function __construct(
    #[Paypal] private readonly CreditCardProcessorInterface $processor

You can specify parameter name with qualifier. Qualifier applied all parameters without it.

public function __construct(
    #[Paypal('processor')] private readonly CreditCardProcessorInterface $processor

Lastly we create a binding that uses the attribute. This uses the optional annotatedWith clause in the bind() statement:


Binding Attributes in Setters

In order to make your custom Qualifier attribute inject dependencies by default in any method the attribute is added, you need to implement the Ray\Di\Di\InjectInterface:

use Ray\Di\Di\InjectInterface;
use Ray\Di\Di\Qualifier;

#[Attribute, Qualifier]
final class PaymentProcessorInject implements InjectInterface
    public function isOptional()
        return $this->optional;
    public function __construct(
        public readonly bool $optional = true
        public readonly string $type;

The interface requires that you implement the isOptional() method. It will be used to determine whether or not the injection should be performed based on whether there is a known binding for it.

Now that you have created your custom injector attribute, you can use it on any method.

#[PaymentProcessorInject(type: 'paypal')]
public setPaymentProcessor(CreditCardProcessorInterface $processor)

Finally, you can bind the interface to an implementation by using your new annotated information:


The provider can now use the information supplied in the qualifier attribute in order to instantiate the most appropriate class.


The most common use of a Qualifier attribute is tagging arguments in a function with a certain label, the label can be used in the bindings in order to select the right class to be instantiated. For those cases, Ray.Di comes with a built-in binding attribute #[Named] that takes a string.

use Ray\Di\Di\Inject;
use Ray\Di\Di\Named;

public function __construct(
    #[Named('checkout')] private CreditCardProcessorInterface $processor

To bind a specific name, pass that string using the annotatedWith() method.


You need to put the #[Named] attribuet in order to specify the parameter.

use Ray\Di\Di\Inject;
use Ray\Di\Di\Named;

public function __construct(
    #[Named('checkout')] private CreditCardProcessorInterface $processor,
    #[Named('backup')] private CreditCardProcessorInterface $subProcessor

Binding Annotation

Ray.Di can be used with doctrine/annotation for PHP 7.x. See the old README(v2.10) for annotation code examples. To create forward-compatible annotations for attributes, see custom annotation classes.

Since annotations cannot be applied to arguments, the first argument of a custom annotation should be the name of the variable. This is not necessary if the method has only one argument.

 * @Paypal('processor')
public function setCreditCardProcessor(
	 CreditCardProcessorInterface $processor
   OtherDepedeciyInterface $depedency