
How to start doing dependency injection with Ray.Di.

Getting Started

Ray.Di is a framework that makes it easier for your application to use the dependency injection (DI) pattern. This getting started guide will walk you through a simple example of how you can use Ray.Di to incorporate dependency injection into your application.

What is dependency injection?

Dependency injection is a design pattern wherein classes declare their dependencies as arguments instead of creating those dependencies directly. For example, a client that wishes to call a service should not have to know how to construct the service, rather, some external code is responsible for providing the service to the client.

Here’s a simple example of code that does not use dependency injection:

class Foo
    private Database $database;  // We need a Database to do some work
    public function __construct()
        // Ugh. How could I test this? What if I ever want to use a different
        // database in another application?
        $this->database = new Database('/path/to/my/data');

The Foo class above creates a fixed Database object directly. This prevents this class from being used with other Database objects and does not allow the real database to be swapped out for a testing database in tests. Instead of writing untestable or inflexible code, you can use dependency injection pattern to address all these issues.

Here’s the same example, this time using dependency injection:

class Foo {
    private Database $database;  // We need a Database to do some work
    public function __construct(Database $database)
        // The database comes from somewhere else. Where? That's not my job, that's
        // the job of whoever constructs me: they can choose which database to use.
        $this->database = $database;

The Foo class above can be used with any Database objects since Foo has no knowledge of how the Database is created. For example, you can create a test version of Database implementation that uses an in-memory database in tests to make the test hermetic and fast.

The Motivation page explains why applications should use the dependency injection pattern in more detail.

Core Ray.Di concepts


PHP class constructors can be called by Ray.Di through a process called constructor injection, during which the constructors’ arguments will be created and provided by Ray.Di. (Unlike Guice, Ray.Di does not require the “Inject” annotation in its constructor.)

Here is an example of a class that uses constructor injection:

class Greeter
    // Greeter declares that it needs a string message and an integer
    // representing the number of time the message to be printed.
    public function __construct(
        #[Message] readonly string $message,
        #[Count] readonly int $count
    ) {}

    public function sayHello(): void
        for ($i=0; $i < $this->count; $i++) {
            echo $message;

In the example above, the Greeter class has a constructor that is called whenapplication asks Ray.Di to create an instance of Greeter. Ray.Di will create the two arguments required, then invoke the constructor. The Greeter class’s constructor arguments are its dependencies and applications use Module to tell Ray.Di how to satisfy those dependencies.

Ray.Di modules

Applications contain objects that declare dependencies on other objects, and those dependencies form graphs. For example, the above Greeter class has two dependencies (declared in its constructor):

  • A string value for the message to be printed
  • An int value for the number of times to print the message

Ray.Di modules allow applications to specify how to satisfy those dependencies. For example, the following DemoModule configures all the necessary dependencies for Greeter class:

class CountProvider implements ProviderInterface
    public function get(): int
        return 3;

class MessageProvider implements ProviderInterface
    public function get(): int
        return 'hello world';

 * Ray.Di module that provides bindings for message and count used in
 * {@link Greeter}.
class DemoModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure(): void

In a real application, the dependency graph for objects will be much more complicated and Ray.Di makes creating complex object easy by creating all the transitive dependencies automatically.

Ray.Di injectors

To bootstrap your application, you’ll need to create a Ray.Di Injector withone or more modules in it. For example, a web server script might that looks like this:

final class MyWebServer {
    public function __construct(
        private readonyly RequestLoggingInterface $requestLogging,
        private readonyly RequestHandlerInterface $requestHandler,
        private readonyly AuthenticationInterface $authentication,
        private readonyly Database $database
    ) {}

    public function start(): void
        // ...
    public function __invoke(): void
        // Creates an injector that has all the necessary dependencies needed to
        // build a functional server.
        $injector = new Injector([
            new RequestLoggingModule(),
            new RequestHandlerModule(),
            new AuthenticationModule(),
            new DatabaseModule()
        // Bootstrap the application by creating an instance of the server then
        // start the server to handle incoming requests.

(new MyWebServer)();

The injector internally holds the dependency graphs described in your application. When you request an instance of a given type, the injector figures out what objects to construct, resolves their dependencies, and wires everything together. To specify how dependencies are resolved, configure your injector with bindings.

A simple Ray.Di application

The following is a simple Ray.Di application with all the necessary pieces put together:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\Di\Di\Qualifier;
use Ray\Di\Injector;

#[Attribute, Qualifier]
class Message

#[Attribute, Qualifier]
class Count

class CountProvider implements ProviderInterface
    public function get(): int
        return 3;

class MessageProvider implements ProviderInterface
    public function get(): string
        return 'hello world';

class DemoModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()

class Greeter
    public function __construct(
        #[Message] private string $messag,
        #[Count] private int $count
    ) {}

    public function sayHello(): void
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->count ; $i++) {
            echo $this->messag . PHP_EOL;

 * Injector's constructor takes one or more modules.
 * Most applications will call this method exactly once in bootstrap.
$injector = new Injector([new DemoModule]);

 * Now that we've got the injector, we can build objects.
$greeter = $injector->getInstance(Greeter::class);

// Prints "hello world" 3 times to the console.

The greeter application constructed a small dependency graph using Ray.Di that is capable of building instances of Greeter class. Large applications usually have many Modules that can build complex objects.

What’s next?

Read more on how to conceptualize Ray.Di with a simple mental model.