Contextual Provider Bindings

You may want to create an object using the context when binding with Provider. For example, you want to inject different connection destinations on the same DB interface. In such a case, we bind it by specifying the context (string) with toProvider ().

$dbConfig = ['user' => $userDsn, 'job'=> $jobDsn, 'log' => $logDsn];
$this->bind(Connection::class)->annotatedWith('usr_db')->toProvider(DbalProvider::class, 'user');
$this->bind(Connection::class)->annotatedWith('job_db')->toProvider(DbalProvider::class, 'job');
$this->bind(Connection::class)->annotatedWith('log_db')->toProvider(DbalProvider::class, 'log');

Providers are created for each context.

use Ray\Di\Di\Inject;
use Ray\Di\Di\Named;

class DbalProvider implements ProviderInterface, SetContextInterface
    private $dbConfigs;

    public function setContext($context)
        $this->context = $context;

    public function __construct(#[Named('db_config') array $dbConfigs)
        $this->dbConfigs = $dbConfigs;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function get()
        $config = $this->dbConfigs[$this->context];
        $conn = DriverManager::getConnection($config);

        return $conn;

It is the same interface, but you can receive different connections made by Provider.

public function __construct(
    #[Named('user')] private readonly Connection $userDb,
    #[Named('job')] private readonly Connection $jobDb,
    #[Named('log') private readonly Connection $logDb)
) {}