Injecting Providers

With normal dependency injection, each type gets exactly one instance of each of its dependent types. The RealBillingService gets one CreditCardProcessor and one TransactionLog. Sometimes you want more than one instance of your dependent types. When this flexibility is necessary, Ray.Di binds a provider. Providers produce a value when the get() method is invoked:

 * @template T
interface ProviderInterface
     * @return T
    public function get();

The type provided by the provider is specified by the #[Set] attribute.

class RealBillingService implements BillingServiceInterface
     * @param ProviderInterface<TransactionLogInterface>      $processorProvider
     * @param ProviderInterface<CreditCardProcessorInterface> $transactionLogProvider
    public __construct(
        #[Set(TransactionLogInterface::class)] private ProviderInterface $processorProvider,
        #[Set(CreditCardProcessorInterface::class)] private ProviderInterface $transactionLogProvider
    ) {}

    public chargeOrder(PizzaOrder $order, CreditCard $creditCard): Receipt
        $transactionLog = $this->transactionLogProvider->get();
        $processor = $this->processorProvider->get();
        /* use the processor and transaction log here */

To support generics in static analysis, you need to set @param in phpdoc to ProviderInterface<TransactionLogInterface> or ProviderInterface<Cre ditCardProcessorInterface> and so on. The type of the instance obtained by the get() method is specified and checked by static analysis.

Providers for multiple instances

Use providers when you need multiple instances of the same type. Suppose your application saves a summary entry and a details when a pizza charge fails. With providers, you can get a new entry whenever you need one:

class LogFileTransactionLog implements TransactionLogInterface
    public function __construct(
        #[Set(TransactionLogInterface::class)] private readonly ProviderInterface $logFileProvider
    ) {}
    public logChargeResult(ChargeResult $result): void {
        $summaryEntry = $this->logFileProvider->get();
        $summaryEntry->setText("Charge " + (result.wasSuccessful() ? "success" : "failure"));
        if (! $result->wasSuccessful()) {
            $detailEntry = $this->logFileProvider->get();
            $detailEntry->setText("Failure result: " + result);

Providers for lazy loading

If you’ve got a dependency on a type that is particularly expensive to produce, you can use providers to defer that work. This is especially useful when you don’t always need the dependency:

class LogFileTransactionLog implements TransactionLogInterface
    public function __construct(
        (#[Set(Connection::class)] private ProviderInterface $connectionProvider
    ) {}
    public function logChargeResult(ChargeResult $result) {
        /* only write failed charges to the database */
        if (! $result->wasSuccessful()) {
            $connection = $connectionProvider->get();

Providers for Mixing Scopes

Directly injecting an object with a narrower scope usually causes unintended behavior in your application. In the example below, suppose you have a singleton ConsoleTransactionLog that depends on the request-scoped current user. If you were to inject the user directly into the ConsoleTransactionLog constructor, the user would only be evaluated once for the lifetime of the application. This behavior isn’t correct because the user changes from request to request. Instead, you should use a Provider. Since Providers produce values on-demand, they enable you to mix scopes safely:

class ConsoleTransactionLog implements TransactionLogInterface
    public function __construct(
        #[Set(User::class)] private readonly ProviderInterface $userProvider
    ) {}
    public function logConnectException(UnreachableException $e): void
        $user = $this->userProvider->get();
        echo "Connection failed for " . $user . ": " . $e->getMessage();